Public Housing

Public housing provides decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-income individuals and families, seniors, and people with disabilities. Applying for public housing takes some time and requires certain documents.

Waiting List Application

TOHHA Waiting List is Currently Closed

When our waiting list is open you’ll need to provide:

  • Email address
  • Mailing address
  • Current telephone number

Application process:

  1. Complete the application.
  2. Once a complete application is submitted you will be added to the Waiting List

Eligibility Verification

Upon selection from the waiting list, you will receive communication for completing the eligibility process

HHA determines eligibility based on three factors:

  1. Annual income
  2. Whether you qualify as a senior, a person with a disability, or as a individual/family
  3. Criminal background

You must complete the eligibility packet and provide the required documents by the provided deadline.

Once all documents and forms have been received, the Administration Office staff will conduct background verifications. When the Office has confirmed your eligibility, you’ll receive communication on the next steps with the new resident orientation.

New Resident Orientation

Congratulations! You have been determined eligible for housing with Huntington Housing Authority’s Public Housing Program.

Please review the orientation presentation in its entirety, then complete the acknowledgment form and send it to the Administration Office. Once the form has been received you will be considered ready for housing.

Orientation Presentation (Pending)

Acknowledge Form (Pending)